New CBO–Health Care Contracting data

Be sure to check out the latest CBO–Health Care Contracting data!

USAging’s Aging and Disability Business Institute has released valuable resources from the 2023 CBO-Health Care Contracting Survey. Explore the data brief from their research partner Scripps Gerontology Center and the infographic and toolkit slides to gain essential insights for your organization on health care contracting.

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Convergence Center for Policy Resolution

Inadequate collaboration and obstacles to collaboration are major impediments to addressing health-related social needs (HRSNs) and aligning health and social care ecosystems.

Members of the Convergence Collaborative on Social Factors of Health agreed that improving collaboration across social and health sectors—and between private and public organizations—is essential for effective SDOH strategies. Read the Collaborative’s latest Blueprint for Action consensus solutions to learn why achieving the necessary level of collaboration requires improving system integration:

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Webinar: CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule

Did you miss out on an important conversation about what the CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule could mean for addressing HRSNs?

The Partnership to Align Social Care hosted a webinar, What Does the CY 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule Mean for Addressing HRSNs? on Tuesday, July 30.

Attendees heard an overview and discussion of these updates and learned about relevant CMS requests for information, and additional opportunities to inform the public comment process. CBOs and community care hubs, health plans, health systems, Federally Qualified and Rural Health Centers (FQHCs and RHCs), other healthcare providers, and caregiver advocate attendees learned about how the proposed coding and payment changes could impact efforts to align health and social care ecosystems.

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Coffee and Contracts: Data Security, Compliance, and Quality Improvement

The Partnership to Align Social Care and Camden Coalition for our sixth session of Coffee and Contracts: A Social Needs Contracting Community of Practice on Tuesday, June 11.

This session focused on the intersection of data security, compliance, and quality improvement from a Community Care Hub perspective. Abigail Morgan, President & CEO of Direction Home Akron Canton Area Agency on Aging & Disabilities, discussed the milestones in her organization's journey to develop their data security infrastructure and shared lessons learned. Participants broke out into groups for facilitated discussions to learn from their peers about data security experiences and opportunities.

Link to recording

Meeting Slides (PDF)

Meeting Summary and Notes (PDF)

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2024 Aging Policy Briefing

Partnership to Align Social Care co-chair, Timothy McNeill, RN, MPH, spoke at USAging's Aging Policy Briefing

Our Partnership to Align Social Care co-chair, Timothy McNeill, RN, MPH, spoke at USAging's Aging Policy Briefing with colleagues from around the nation about the 2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and how to implement changes in billing codes to better align care between CBOs, health entities, and Area Agencies on Aging.

Tim was joined by Kelly Cronin, Deputy Administrator, Center for Innovation and Partnership, U.S. Administration for Community Living; Doug Jacobs, MD, MPH, Chief Transformation Officer, Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services; and Christine Vanlandingham, CEO, Region IV AAA in St. Joseph Michigan.

We encourage you to learn more about these changes in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule here:

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Join Us for a Monthly Peer-Learning Session, Coffee and Contracts!

Join Partnership to Align Social Care and Camden Coalition on the second Tuesday of each month at 12 p.m. ET for Coffee and Contracts: A Social Needs Contracting Community of Practice.

Join the Partnership to Align Social Care and Camden Coalition for a monthly peer learning series that provides an opportunity for presenters and participants to go deeper into specific topics related to contracting between CBOs/CCHs and healthcare organizations.

Sessions will allow participants to:

  • Participate in peer-to-peer learning about contracting between CBOs, CCHs, and healthcare organizations;
  • Learn about and engage with stakeholders and leaders of the Partnership to Align Social Care;
  • Find opportunities to support new CCHs and get involved in ongoing national initiatives;
    Generate new learning which can be packaged into future resources and leading practices.

Register for the series and learn more at!

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Recording & Materials Available for Call-to-Action Webinar

Learn how leaders in health care, social services, public health, and health information technology are working together to address health-related social needs (HRSNs) and create a stronger, more integrated health and social care system through shared decision making.

The recording and materials are available for the February 27, 2024 Partnership to Align Social Care event, Meeting the Administration’s Call-to-Action: Leading Practices to Address Health-Related Social Needs in Communities Across the Nation, featuring a discussion with officials from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and key community and health care leaders on opportunities to address health-related social needs (HRSNs) through community partnerships.

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Check Out the Partnership’s Healthcare Guide to Contracting with CBOs

Healthcare Guide to Contracting with CBOs is a toolkit intended to address essential elements of contracting between health care and community partners and feature leading practices from the field and was developed with extensive input from CBOs, health plans, and health systems. While these resources were developed for a healthcare audience, CBOs, CCHs, and other health and social care ecosystem stakeholders will benefit from understanding how healthcare organizations approach the contracting process.

Healthcare entities and social services providers are increasingly recognizing the importance of partnerships among historically siloed sectors to address health-related social needs (HRSNs). While the number of community-based organizations (CBOs) and community care hubs (CCHs) pursuing contracting relationships with healthcare organizations is increasing, CBOs and CCHs can experience challenges entering into contracting arrangements with the healthcare sector.

The Partnership to Align Social Care, the Aging and Disability Business Institute, and Camden Coalition created a Healthcare Guide to Contracting with CBOsThis toolkit offers a deep dive into leading contracting practices to effectively and efficiently address HRSNs. Each module focuses on the essential elements of contracting between health care and community partners and features leading practices from the field.

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Join the Partnership for Contracting to Align Health and Social Care Ecosystems: A Webinar Series Sharing Leading Practices

Each webinar in the series will focus on the essential elements of contracting between health care and community partners and feature leading practices from the field.

Healthcare entities and social services providers are increasingly recognizing the importance of partnerships among historically siloed sectors to address health-related social needs (HRSNs). While the number of community-based organizations (CBOs) and community care hubs (CCHs) pursuing contracting relationships with healthcare organizations is increasing, CBOs and CCHs can experience challenges entering into contracting arrangements with the healthcare sector.

Join the Partnership to Align Social Care, the Aging and Disability Business Institute, and Camden Coalition for a webinar series offering a deep dive into leading contracting practices to effectively and efficiently address HRSNs. In each webinar, we will focus on the essential elements of contracting between health care and community partners and feature leading practices from the field. Each event will also highlight key findings from a four-part toolkit, Healthcare Guide to Contracting with CBOs, developed with extensive input from CBOs, health plans, and health systems. While these resources were developed for a healthcare audience, CBOs, CCHs, and other health and social care ecosystem stakeholders will benefit from understanding how healthcare organizations approach the contracting process.

Attendees will gain:

  • Guidance on designing a payment structure/model that aligns contracting parties around shared goals and produces value for each party (Oct. 10 @ 2 ET);
  • Recommendations on how to develop an effective Scope of Work, based on insights from healthcare organizations and CBOs with extensive cross-sector contracting experience (Nov. 14 @ Noon ET);
  • Insight on how payers can improve collaboration with CBOs and strategies to anticipate, avoid, and respond to common challenges that arise when CBOs, CCHs, and payers set out to work together (Dec. 12 @ Noon ET); and
  • Perspective from CBO and healthcare leaders highlighting leading practices from community and health care partners that have effectively contracted to address HRSNs for multiple populations.

Registrants will receive access to all three webinars. All registrants will receive the recordings and follow-up resources. Register here:

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Join the Partnership for a Webinar Series, Community Care Hubs: Making Social Care Happen

What is a Community Care Hub? Why is this model part of an important evolution toward achieving an equitable health and social care ecosystem? Join the Partnership and health and social care sector leaders for an upcoming webinar series to dive into these topics.

The Partnership to Align Social Care is a cross-sector effort to co-design a multi-faceted strategy to enable successful partnerships between healthcare organizations and networks of CBOs, or Community Care Hubs (CCHs). 

But, what is a Community Care Hub? Why is this model part of an important evolution toward achieving an equitable health and social care ecosystem? The Partnership and health and social care sector leaders recently hosted a series of webinars that dive into these and other important topics. All recordings and presentations are available from those events, and we encourage you to catch up and share this information with interested colleagues!

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Health Affairs Blog Highlights Role of Community Care Hubs in Improving Health and Well-Being

A recently released Health Affairs article, Improving Health And Well-Being Through Community Care Hubs, details the importance of developing, supporting, and investing in multistakeholder collaborations to address social drivers of health.

A recently released Health Affairs article, Improving Health And Well-Being Through Community Care Hubs, authored by a cohort of federal agency employees, details the importance of developing, supporting, and investing in multistakeholder collaborations to address social drivers of health. In particular, the authors point to the Partnership to Align Social Care, a national learning and action network, and its role to convene leaders across CBOs, health plans and systems, national associations, philanthropy, and federal agencies to co-design a multifaceted strategy to enable successful partnerships among health care organizations and hubs. Read the blog and more resources about Community Care Hubs at

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