Coffee and Contracts: A Social Needs Contracting Community of Practice

Join Partnership to Align Social Care and Camden Coalition on the second Tuesday of each month at 12 p.m. ET  for Coffee and Contracts: A Social Needs Contracting Community of Practice.

Register for this series today! 

Join the Partnership to Align Social Care and Camden Coalition for a monthly peer learning series that provides an opportunity for presenters and participants to go deeper into specific topics related to contracting between CBOs/CCHs and healthcare organizations.

Sessions will allow participants to:

  • Participate in peer-to-peer learning about contracting between CBOs, CCHs, and healthcare organizations;
  • Learn about and engage with stakeholders and leaders of the Partnership to Align Social Care;
  • Find opportunities to support new CCHs and get involved in ongoing national initiatives;
  • Generate new learning which can be packaged into future resources and leading practices.

Register for the series here!

Check out previous conversations below and explore additional contracting resources from the Partnership.  

Coffee and Contracts: A Social Needs Contracting Community of Practice

Vetting Contracts: Drafting, Reviewing, and Negotiating Social Care Contracts, August 13, 2024

Data Security, Compliance, and Quality Improvement, June 11, 2024

Data Sharing and IT, May 14, 2024

What to Expect from Negotiations with Health Care Partners, April 9, 2024

Starting the Contracting Conversation, March 12, 2024

Preparing Yourself to Approach Contracting, February 13, 2024

Effective implementation and improvement: Joint Operating Committee Meetings, January 2, 2024