Coffee and Contracts: What to Expect from Negotiations with Health Care Partners

The Partnership to Align Social Care hosted our fourth session of Coffee and Contracts: A Social Needs Contracting Community of Practice on Tuesday, April 9

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This session focused on what to expect from negotiations with a health plan when developing a contracted partnership. Nikki Kmicinski, Executive Director at Western New York Integrated Care Collaborative, Inc., shared her experiences in negotiating with healthcare organizations and discussed strategies to achieve a mutually beneficial contract for both parties. Attendees also had the opportunity to break into moderated group discussions with their peers.

Link to Recording

Meeting slides (PDF)

Meeting Summary and Notes

Lunch and Learn Event

Understanding the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Billing Codes for Community Health Integration (CHI), Principal Illness Navigation (PIN), and Principal Illness Navigation - Peer Support (PIN-PS) Services.

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The Partnership to Align Social Care hosted a lunch and learn event on April 3, which was the first in a series of upcoming resources, A Primer: Understanding the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Billing Codes for Community Health Integration (CHI), Principal Illness Navigation (PIN), and Principal Illness Navigation - Peer Support (PIN-PS) Services.

This webinar aimed to build upon previous Partnership events detailing opportunities to address HRSNs through fee-for-service Medicare. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions to help inform planning for, and implementation of, CHI and PIN services.